terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010

sexist societies

The Iranian Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani, 43, is on death row. United Arab Emirates, one of 14 years was sentenced to six months in prison. The Iranian also Ghorbanzadeh Mariam, 25, and Azar Bagheri, 19, saw the death blow softly in the ear, but managed to escape. Sakineh should not suffer the same fate - anytime, she can be stoned to death, hanged or shot dead by the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The future of Brazil, in turn, is uncertain. The minor is accused of "consensual sex" with a Pakistani man of 28 years and have agreed to meet with him through text messages considered "erotic".

The recent cases of barbaric punishments of Islam against women rekindle a contentious issue: the independence and dignity of women within the Muslim religion. According to data from U.S. intelligence agency (CIA), 55 nations have the most religious Muslim. In countries where Sharia law - law that dictates the rules of Islam - is followed strictly, the traditions are strongly contrary to the freedom of women. They are seen, then constantly watched by their husbands, sons, neighbors and police. "Armed militias were patrolling the behavior of women in the streets. A trace of makeup and they came, relentless," said Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, told.

But all this is just a small needle in a haystack tangle of radical interpretations in which live the Muslim religion. The result of religious fanaticism of these people is serious and almost always ends in a series of barbaric acts, as you can check below:

Sudan - In December 2001, Abok Alfa Akoka, 18, was accused of adultery by her husband. The young woman was pregnant, did not speak Arabic and defended herself saying she had been raped. Although the Sharia does not apply to non-Muslim women without evidence, Abok was sentenced to 75 lashes.

Yemen - At 13, Elham So bled to death a few days after their wedding. The Muslim girl had been tied up and forced to have sex with her husband of 23 years. Linkage of the girl was arranged by his brother, who wanted to marry the sister of the groom and avoid paying the dowry.

Bangladesh - In October 2008, Aisha Duhulow, 13, was sentenced to death by stoning for alleged fornication after being raped by a gang. Under local laws, the lowest rape are punished with corporal punishment simply for taking part in a sexual act. While he was stoned, Aisha cried and screamed for mercy. When his family tried to intervene, the Islamic militia opened fire, killing a baby.

Somalia - In one of the main squares of the city, 50 men stoned to death a Muslim Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow in 2008. Accused of adultery, she was buried up to his neck and was unable to protect his face. According to media reports said at the time, Aisha had confessed the crime and asked to be judged according to Sharia law.

Nigeria - In 2002, Safiya Hussaini, 33, was convicted of adultery to death by stoning. The penalty, however, was postponed until her daughter a year no longer need milk. Safiya then appealed the decision. The judge, however, rejected all the defense evidence and was adamant: "The company was harmed by the act. It is dangerous that teach other women to do the same. "Safiya was even stoned.

United Arab Emirates - The single Kartini Binti Karim, a citizen of Indonesia, worked as a maid when her pregnancy was discovered in 2000. She and an Indian were convicted of fornication, but the man fled before he could be arrested. Kartini was dismissed without the right to a translator, lawyer or contact the embassy of his country. After being sentenced to death by stoning, Indonesia managed to appeal. The penalty was reduced to one year's imprisonment and subsequent deportation.

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